
Experienced photographer with a BA in Photography and an MFA in Fine Art, specialized in documenting art, exhibitions, cultural events, performances, and portraits. Available for work in Trondheim, Norway, and worldwide.


Erfaren fotograf med BA i fotografi og MFA i kunst, spesialisert på dokumentasjon av kunst, utstillinger, kulturarrangementer, forestillinger og portretter. Tilgjengelig for arbeid i Trondheim, Norge og internasjonalt.


Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Trondheim Open, KORO, NTNU, Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder, Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst, K.U.K., Posten Moderne, Heimdal Kunstforening, Kunstfest Rotvoll, Norske Kunsthåndverkere, Art in Åfjord, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Comfort Hotel Park, Canon Croatia, Emmezeta, Vizkultura, Organ Vida Festival, Eurokaz


Art & Culture

Exhibition documentation
Art events & performance documentation
Video documentation
Exhibition documentation
Art events & performance documentation
Video documentation
Exhibition documentation
Art events & performance documentation
Video documentation

Portrait stories

Jordan Sand
Photography for a musician
Monika Mørck
Photography for a visual artist
Vanessa Valero
Photography for a textile artist
Jordan Sand
Performance documentation and portraits
Bujo Planner
Portraits and documentation for a creator
Jordan Sand
Photography for a musician
Monika Mørck
Photography for a visual artist
Vanessa Valero
Photography for a textile artist
Jordan Sand
Performance documentation and portraits
Bujo Planner
Portraits and documentation for a creator
Jordan Sand
Photography for a musician
Monika Mørck
Photography for a visual artist
Jordan Sand
Performance documentation and portraits
Bujo Planner
Portraits and documentation for a creator

Other projects

Risvollan barnehage
Architecture photography for Kvadrat
En Caul
Documentation of an art project / Malin Bülow and Marie Rechsteiner
The conquest of you
Photography for an artist Anaclara Talento
Magnus Vartdal
Photography for Blacksmith & Cathedral Stonemason
Deceptive Cadence II (Buxbom & Palmer)
Photography for poster and publication
Rapsodija za tri glave, šest stopala i deset ruku
Photography and design for a poster and catalogue, video trailer
Risvollan barnehage
Architecture photography for Kvadrat
En Caul
Documentation of an art project / Malin Bülow and Marie Rechsteiner
The conquest of you
Photography for an artist Anaclara Talento
Magnus Vartdal
Photography for Blacksmith & Cathedral Stonemason
Rapsodija za tri glave, šest stopala i deset ruku
Photography and design for a poster and catalogue, video trailer
Risvollan barnehage
Architecture photography for Kvadrat
En Caul
Documentation of an art project / Malin Bülow and Marie Rechsteiner
The conquest of you
Photography for an artist Anaclara Talento
Magnus Vartdal
Photography for Blacksmith & Cathedral Stonemason
Deceptive Cadence II (Buxbom & Palmer)
Photography for poster and publication
Rapsodija za tri glave, šest stopala i deset ruku
Photography and design for a poster and catalogue, video trailer


Interested in more?
Here is a gallery of commercial works by categories.


Feel free to get in touch for inquiries.